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The foundation
Who we are
Allies for children
Collaborators and spokespeople
Entreprise Enfant Soleil certified businesses
Board of directors and team
Activity reports and financial statements (archives)
Why donate
Our cause
Our action fields
Impact of your donations
Annual activity report
The Enfants Soleil
How to donate
One-time donation
Become Parent Soleil
Celebratory donation
Gifts by will and other planned giving
Our draws
Maison Enfant Soleil
Passeport de rêve
Voiture de rêve
Get involved
Become a certified business
Elementary schools, daycares and early childhood centres
Secondary and postsecondary schools
Clubs & associations
Under 18
Become a volunteer
Fundraising activities
Défi Country
Extra Life
Gran Fondo
Ô Quilles
Porte ton pyj
Relis don
Buy for the cause
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The Restos Soleil
The foundation
Main menu
Who we are
Allies for children
The foundation
Allies for children
Collaborators and spokespeople
Entreprise Enfant Soleil certified businesses
Board of directors and team
Activity reports and financial statements (archives)
Why donate
Main menu
Our cause
Our action fields
Impact of your donations
Why donate
Impact of your donations
Annual activity report
The Enfants Soleil
How to donate
Main menu
How to donate
One-time donation
Become Parent Soleil
Celebratory donation
Gifts by will and other planned giving
Our draws
How to donate
Our draws
Maison Enfant Soleil
Passeport de rêve
Voiture de rêve
Get involved
How to donate
Get involved
Become a certified business
Elementary schools, daycares and early childhood centres
Secondary and postsecondary schools
Clubs & associations
Under 18
Become a volunteer
Fundraising activities
How to donate
Fundraising activities
Défi Country
Extra Life
Gran Fondo
Ô Quilles
Porte ton pyj
Relis don
Buy for the cause
How to donate
Buy for the cause
Shop Soleil
The Restos Soleil
Make a donation
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