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Charles Vignola

2 years old

Charles was born at 31 weeks, making him a very premature baby. 

"Thanks to the donations from Enfant Soleil and the many pediatric devices that Charles benefited from, he received the best possible care at three different hospitals and is doing well today," his parents tell us.


Beginning of complications

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, Marie-Michèle contracts COVID-19, leading to complications. She is urgently hospitalized in Trois-Rivières. Despite treatment, the medical staff is unable to stabilize her condition: her oxygen levels are too low, and Baby Charles' heart rate is slowing down. A week later, the medical team has to perform an emergency C-section to save both the mother and baby.

Transfer to intensive care

At birth, Charles' health requires specialized care that cannot be provided in Trois-Rivières. At 36 hours old, he is transferred to the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, and they intubate him in the ambulance. The following days are a heartbreaking trial for his parents. Charles is in respiratory distress, and his condition could deteriorate quickly. “We were always uncertain about his condition, living in fear and helplessness. And I couldn’t be with my sick baby,” remembers Marie-Michèle.

Charles' progress and follow-up

Today, Charles has some lingering effects from his early and turbulent birth. He recently underwent ear surgery to address his hearing problems and will soon undergo various tests to assess his condition in this area. He is also receiving occupational therapy for his fine motor skills, nutritional support for his daily diet, and will be seen by a speech therapist to address his language delay.

"THANK YOU to Enfant Soleil and the medical staff who cared for Charles. His condition at birth improved quickly thanks to the appropriate treatments he received. THANK YOU!" his grateful parents say.

– Marie-Michèle Dumont, Louis-Antoine Vignola, and Hugo (5 years old)

Charles' care journey

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