A word from the Chair of the Board and the President and CEO
Because little miracles don't happen on their own
This truth inspires us and is made possible by your support. This year, the theme "POWER to help, heal, grow" has guided our actions, transforming the lives of children, their family, and caregivers. In the face of immense need, philanthropic support continues to be essential.
With the support of our Board of Directors and our team, we move forward with confidence toward our "Evolution 2025" goal: to maximize our impact and ensure a sustainable future. To achieve this, we are optimizing our efficiency, strengthening our outreach, and consolidating our fundraising expertise.
Together, anything is possible
- $28.9MRaised in 2024. A new record for even greater impact!
- 19% Increase in funds given to hospitals and organizations across the province, compared to last year.
- 134Grants awarded in 2024 to support more than a hundred different hospitals and organizations.
Our Enfants Soleil

A heartfelt thank you to an incredible, dedicated team
A huge thank you to our volunteers, who passionately give their time, talent, and energy every year. You are hundreds strong, with some of you involved for many years, and your support is essential.
Thank you as well to our donors and partners, whose generosity warms hearts and makes a real difference for children and their family.
A special thank you to those who, through a legacy gift, leave their mark by offering both present and future generations precious hope of healing.