“Enfant Soleil represents the uniqueness of the people who are there to help sick children, to bring good to families, to keep hope alive,” say Flavie's parents.
A shadow over fall
As fall was setting in, Flavie caught a virus that left her feeling tired. Little did she know that her health was about to take a turn for the worse. On the evening of Halloween 2022, she suddenly noticed that her legs were swollen. Within a week, her condition deteriorated rapidly, and the widespread swelling led to an emergency hospital admission.
At the hospital in Saint-Hyacinthe, Flavie's blood pressure was found to be dangerously high. After several tests, including an ultrasound of her kidneys, the doctors decided to transfer her to Hôpital Fleurimont at CHU Sherbrooke for further investigation. There, she was put on a course of cortisone and immunosuppressive drugs to try to control her symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.
Flavie was then transferred to the Montreal Children's Hospital, where she spent three weeks with her mom at her bedside. Persistent swelling prompted further investigations. Two kidney biopsies were taken, and Flavie received aggressive immunosuppressive therapy. A central line was inserted to drain the excess fluid that had accumulated in her belly, and a catheter was placed so she could begin receiving dialysis.
From the ICU to christmas at home
Flavie's health was closely monitored, but complications arose. She developed pneumonia, which landed her in the intensive care unit (ICU), where she underwent 36 hours of dialysis. This treatment was continued three times a day for three weeks. Despite the difficulties, Flavie responded well to the treatment and was discharged from the hospital on December 15th, just in time to celebrate Christmas with her family.
Two months after her hospitalization, Flavie had enough energy to go back to school and resume her usual activities. However, her treatment is far from over. A nurse comes to her home every two weeks to administer immunosuppressants.
Along with regular follow-ups at CHU Sainte-Justine and the Montreal Children's Hospital, Flavie must take several medications daily and vigilantly monitor the sodium content of her food to avoid water retention. The whole family has changed their eating habits to accommodate Flavie's new reality.
A mobilized and united family
In the hope of helping other families in a similar situation, Flavie and her parents created the “En marche avec Flavie” event benfitting Enfant Soleil. Despite her illness, Flavie brightens the lives of those around her. “Flavie had lost 50% of her kidney function. It was the first time I saw my daughter scared. Children are so strong! She battled like a warrior, a big girl with a strong character,” confides her mother, Pascale.
“Flavie had lost 50% of her kidney function. It was the first time I saw my daughter scared. A child is strong! She came through it like a great warrior, a great girl with character,” Pascale recounts with pride.
– Pascale Levesque, David Deslandes, Adam (12 years old) and Philip (10 years old)
Flavie's radiant strength
Flavie and her family invited Maxime into their home to share their story, from her first symptoms to her discharge from the hospital and ongoing treatment. See how your support is changing lives.