Every achievement to which Enfant Soleil contributes has a tangible impact on local children and families. This year, close to $63,000 will be donated to the Outaouais region. As a result, 4 establishments will be able to carry out projects that are essential to children’s care.
Adapted equipment for local care
An incubator for newborns
This equipment promotes the optimal development of newborn babies in need of care. The incubator can be closed around the baby to create an enveloping space that cuts out sound and light and encourages sleep.
Equipment for home-use loans
Very premature babies and children with multiple serious illnesses requiring respiratory assistance will benefit from this equipment.
Oxygen monitoring for at-risk babies is essential and can save lives.
This equipment will facilitate a quicker return to the home environment, thereby shortening hospital stays.
Sports equipment for the day centre gymnasium**
Thanks to this equipment, it will be possible to make rehabilitation and physical development activities attractive to young people.
** This project is made possible by Enfant Soleil’s Sport and Sustainable Health Fund, which aims to promote and support healthy lifestyle habits in children through sport, physical activity and healthy eating, and cultivating emotional and mental well-being.
Equipment for various types of therapy**
This material will facilitate the realization of various types of art, mindfulness and dance therapy.
These therapies enable children to develop better emotional regulation and physical and mental well-being.
** This project is made possible by Enfant Soleil’s Sport and Sustainable Health Fund, which aims to promote and support healthy lifestyle habits in children through sport, physical activity and healthy eating, and cultivating emotional and mental well-being.
A look back at a project made possible thanks to the support of Enfant Soleil
Hôpital de Gatineau
Renovation of the paediatric unit*
The Hôpital de Gatineau recently completed a significant renovation of its paediatric unit. These major improvements have made it possible to expand the range of intermediate-level care to accommodate 4 children requiring specialized care simultaneously. The children can now stay in the region to get their needed care.
Previously, when a child’s condition was deteriorating, they had to be transferred to another facility, either in Montréal or Ottawa. Moreover, this renovation gives us access to more specialized equipment for enhanced surveillance.
The introduction of intermediate care has made it possible to stabilize the condition of children in emergencies and avoid hospital transfers.
* This project is a joint initiative of Enfant Soleil and the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux.

Brayden Parker
Enfant Soleil of Outaouais
He and his family are ambassadors for the cause in their region.
When he is born at the Hôpital de Gatineau, Brayden has a bluish complexion and does not saturate well. The medical team takes him to intensive care. Immediately attended to, he is transferred to the neonatal unit at CHU Sainte-Justine. At only 24 hours old, Brayden’s cardiac ultrasound reveals that half of his heart is not yet formed. He receives medication to keep his heart strong until his first operation, scheduled 6 days later. It will take 4 open-heart surgeries, planned at the pace of his growth, to get his heart working. The situation will be very challenging to accept, and Brayden will suffer from anxiety and depression. Fortunately, thanks to the people around him, he is gradually regaining his footing.
“In the first few minutes after he was born, Brayden needed equipment that your donations to Enfant Soleil helped to fund: an oximeter, a ventilation unit, a mouth tube, and so on. The transport stretcher and isolette made it possible to transfer him from Gatineau to Montréal quickly. All thanks to your donations.” Mandy Gabie and Patrick Parker, Brayden’s parents.