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Meet Matéo, the Enfant Soleil ambassador for the 2025 Maison Enfant Soleil signed Bonneville

January 8, 2025

A tough start

It was when he was still just a baby that Matéo's parents became concerned about his development: their youngest son was unable to lift his head when placed on his stomach, and he cried a lot. At 6 months old, a pneumonia forced him to be hospitalized, and his parents shared their concerns with the doctor. A few days before Matéo's first birthday, the diagnosis was made: the little boy has Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a disease characterized by the absence of dystrophin, a protein essential for allowing muscles to withstand physical effort. Without it, muscles deteriorate and degenerate over time. Matéo is affected by a lack of muscle tone, significant pulmonary fragility, which increases the risk of infections, and a global developmental delay. 

Even though they had been waiting months for this diagnosis, Matéo's parents were shocked. However, they quickly pulled themselves together and listened as the specialists outlined the troubling disease that affects their child in its most severe form. The progression of the disease, its symptoms, the challenges ahead and the delicate question of Matéo's life expectancy are discussed. On that day, Stéphanie and Michel promise their little one that they will do everything in their power to ensure that he has the most normal life possible, surrounded by all the love and support he needs. 

Surmonter les épreuves avec résilience

Now 7 years old, Matéo leads a life closer to that of other children, thanks to daily treatment and the specialized teams supporting him, but the challenges remain. His vulnerability to respiratory infections still leads to hospitalizations.

“Last year, we almost lost Matéo. He was rushed to hospital and hooked up to a pump that administered three different medications. I saw the Enfant Soleil logos on the that were keeping my son alive. Without that pump, he might not be here today. That's when you realize just how much Enfant Soleil makes a difference.” — Stéphanie, Matéo's mother.

Your generosity helped save Matéo's life, and continues to provide the best in health care to thousands of sick children across the province. Matéo's resilience makes him a true model of courage, and we're proud to have him as the ambassador for the 2025 Maison Enfant Soleil signed Bonneville!

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