Personal or family fund
The fund you create today will help bring about the little miracles of tomorrow. It lets you carry out your wishes as if you had your own foundation. Increase its scope by adding your monthly donations, or those of loved ones who would like to contribute to your cause.
Why create a personal or family endowment fund?

Looking ahead, thinking of tomorrow
By starting an endowment fund during your lifetime, you help heal sick children today and anticipate the needs of tomorrow. Your fund makes it possible to finance advanced equipment and set up essential spaces, projects that may take several years to acquire and complete.
- A gesture that reflects your values and brings people together
Whether you thought of it or it is the continuation of a family tradition, creating an endowment fund reflects your commitment to helping sick children. The fund can be named after you, your family, a loved one, or a group of friends.
- Easy to set up
Setting up a fund is a bit like creating your own foundation, without all the administrative hassle. You have five years to raise the initial capital, which you can then build on over the years. If you're considering a gift in your will, it can be included in your fund to further your philanthropic goals.
We’ll be here to help guide your decision-making and be by your side during every step of the fund creation process.
- A donation that goes a long way
Do you already donate $2,000 or more annually? You could make an even greater impact if you create a fund with Enfant Soleil.
The income generated through capitalization is distributed to your cause each year. This way, you create a reservoir of hope for sick children and amplify the long-term impact of your donation.
Choose the type of fund that's right for you
Choose the option that best suits your means and the objective you wish to achieve. Each fund can be created over a five-year period.
This is the first step. The fund bears the name of your choice and supports Enfant Soleil's general mission, which adapts to changing needs. This first type of fund can evolve into a named and restricted fund.
This is the type of fund that allows you to achieve your philanthropic goals according to your priorities, including:
- Proximity of care in regional areas;
- Acquisition of cutting-edge technology;
- Improving children's hospital experience;
- Enfant Soleil’s general mission.
Once you've made your decision, a written agreement will ensure that your intentions are respected. This document defines the connection between your initial donation, future donations to your fund and Enfant Soleil.
You can increase the value of your fund by making a subsequent donation.
Your family and friends can also contribute to your fund and benefit from the same tax advantages.
You can create your fund from a donation in your will*.
Your loved ones can continue your involvement.
*Ask us beforehand about the conditions for setting up a fund.

Brigthen the health of future generations
Each year, Enfant Soleil supports more than a hundred projects in healthcare centres and organizations across Quebec to improve the care given to children. The sums entrusted to us are used to finance the equipment, treatment and facilities where thousands of children are cared for each year, and to ensure the sustainability of the support offered to the medical teams who care for them.

Your generosity helped Charles
Charles was born premature, at 32 weeks’ gestation. The medical team feared for his and his mother's life, Marie-Michelle. Marie-Michelle had to wait 14 long days before she could finally hold her baby in her arms. Charles' health was critical from birth and was deteriorating rapidly. He needed care for five weeks before he could go home to his big brother Hugo, who was eager to meet him.
Thanks to the good care he received in three different hospitals, and the many pieces of pediatric equipment funded by donations made to Enfant Soleil, Charles is doing well today! He and his brother Hugo have developed a wonderful bond, and the family takes life one day at a time, enjoying the present moment!
Have questions?
Our team is here for you. A conversation can clarify your situation and help you reach a decision.
You considering making such a gift warms our hearts and helps envision a bright future for the children of today and tomorrow.
Me Claudia Côté, B.A., LL.L.
Director, Planned Giving and Major Gifts
1-877-683-2325, ext. 2024